





医療薬学 第36巻 第5号(2010)朝倉寛達

【医療薬学 第36巻 第5号(2010) 平成22年5月発行】



― 薬剤の懸濁に用いる器具の材質への注意 ―


朝倉寛達*1 三科ますみ1 倉田なおみ3 伊藤喬4 雨宮美智子2
(財)山梨厚生会塩山市民病院薬局1 山梨厚生病院薬局2
昭和大学薬学部薬剤学教室3  昭和大学薬学部薬化学教室4


Dissolution of a polystyrene instrument by oral drug suspension
― A warning about materials used in the preparation of oral drug suspensions ―

Hiromichi Asakura*1,Masumi Misina1,Naomi Kurata3,
Takashi Itoh4,Michiko Amemiya2
Department of Pharmacy, Enzan Citizens’ Hospital1 Department of Pharmacy, Yamanashi Kousei Hospital2 Deparatment of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Showa University3 Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry , School of Pharmacy, Showa University4

*山梨県甲州市塩山西広門田433-1;433-1,Enzankawada,Kousyu-shi,Yamanasi,404-0037 Japan




Epadel S® in the form of a seamless capsule containing ethyl icosapentate (EPA-E) was suspended in 20ml of hot water (55℃) and stirred with a polystyrene (PS) disposable spoon. Then, the disposable spoon was left in the suspension. The surface of the disposable spoon started to dissolve after 45 minutes, and was completely dissolved after 12 hours.
We also confirmed a similar dissolving phenomenon of a PS instrument suspended in teprenone (Selbex®) capsules or powder, or in gefarnate(Gefanil®) capsules .
At present, there have not been any reports describing the toxicity of PS itself or non-reactants and/or by-products during the process of PS production. However, deterioration or dissolving phenomena of common instruments composed of PS, such as cups or spoons, by suspension of drugs may raise concerns or anxieties among patients, caregivers, and medical staffs. Therefore, it is important to inform them to avoid the use of instruments made from PS when preparing drug suspensions.


Key words ― polystyrene,oral drug suspension,EPA-E (ethyl icosapentate),teprenone,gefarnate



